A Seductive Boss is the third book in the Romance in France series by Marie-Louise Damberte. It follows the story of young Chinese-American Jessica who, through family connections wins a internship in a top architectural company in Paris. Young and naive, Jessica makes the move to Paris, where she meets Gaëtan, who falls fiercely in love with her. However, Jessica quickly falls under the spell of their dominating boss, Etienne. She wonders what a world famous architect could want with a young, inexperienced intern like her, but little did she know, all he wanted was to seduce her. They enjoy a fleeting "romance" in this Fifty Shades style novel, until Jessica starts to fall in too deep and begins to feel hurt by his attitudes toward her. Breaking away from Etienne, she comes to her senses and falls in love for real. 

A Seductive Boss is the perfect balance between a fun chick-lit novel and a full on Fifty Shades saga. The more intimate sections are well placed in the book, and are well written to never appear cheesy or seedy. Jessica is the kind of character that you can easily see as yourself, and as a reader, I too fell for Etienne's charm. This book is very similar in the way it is written to my absolute favourite series, the I Heart... books by Lindsey Kelk, as it really describes Paris to make you feel as if you are experiencing it yourself. 

I'd be keen to check out the other two books in the Romance in France series, and pleased that this book was enjoyed, as Marie-Louise Damberte is a new author to me. Buy it here on Amazon from £1.79. 

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